How to get into tech in 2022

Diamond Tusks
3 min readSep 25, 2022

Tech is a booming industry that keeps growing. With so many new opportunities opening up every day, you can get a job in tech even if your experience isn’t perfect — or even close to it! If you’re looking for a career in technology but don’t know how to start, this guide will help you get your foot in the door.

There are more opportunities in tech now than ever.

There are more opportunities in tech now than ever. If you want to get into technology, there are many ways you can do it. The field is booming and growing at a rapid rate, with projected growth of over 10% by 2022! You don’t need a college degree to get a job in tech, but if you do have one, that will help tremendously (and make your salary even higher).

You can turn your personal interests into a career with a bit of training.

You don’t have to be a computer science major to get into tech. You can turn your personal interests into a career with a bit of training, or even make some money on the side by learning how to code for fun.

You can learn how to code online for free, whether you’re interested in becoming a web developer or software engineer. There are plenty of free resources available:

  • Codeacademy (
  • FreeCodeCamp (
  • Treehouse (

Once you’ve learned the basics, it’s possible for anyone with an idea and enough motivation to bring their vision into reality!

You should be able to find a job that suits both your strengths and your desires.

You should be able to find a job that suits both your strengths and desires. Do you have a strong background in computer science? Are you skilled at coding? Or are you more interested in the business side of things? There are many options for those with different interests, including jobs like marketing analyst or developer lead.

You should have no problem finding a job within the tech sector if your skills match what employers are looking for.

You’ll be ready for future tech jobs if you start learning now.

Whether you’re a n00b or a seasoned veteran, there are plenty of ways to get into the tech industry. You’ll be ready for future tech jobs if you start learning now.

There’s no need to wait until 2023; there are more opportunities in tech now than ever before and they’re growing every day. You don’t have to be an engineer or developer; you can turn your interests into a career with just a bit of training!


The world of technology is constantly evolving, so you must stay on top of the latest trends and developments. You can do this by staying up-to-date with industry news, reading articles about new projects and products, taking online courses in various coding languages such as Python or JavaScript (or even learning how to use a different design tool like Photoshop or Illustrator).

As you continue learning more about your interests in tech, don’t forget to keep working on them outside of class — and don’t be afraid to get involved with some volunteer work if possible! Volunteering helps build character while giving back at the same time.



Diamond Tusks

Crypto Native © 2013 | Trader | Farmer | Collector | Decided to become a developer, documenting my journey here.